Saturday, October 26, 2013

Dating and All It's Glory....

So have you ever thought about what dating....seriously have you ever thought about what it means to date and what it entails?

I asked a couple friends about their definition of dating...this is some of their responses...
  • "Going out with a member of the opposite sex."
  • "Spending time with a girl doing a fun activity then repeating the process". 
  • "Hanging out with a boy that you really like and then going on dates with him, like to the corn maze or something."
I had asked these three friends at completely random times and thought it was interesting that they said roughly the same kind of thing; that dating involves another person of the opposite sex and you go out and do something fun.

I think it is interesting how overtime dating has changed. Back in the day people use to date, then court, then get engaged, and finally married. It seems like we have skipped a couple steps. I know it can seem that it is complicated but in reality it is simple.

In class we talked about how dating has changed. It seems like here on campus when you date a guy you date only that basically it goes from dating strait to courting. Dating refers to going on multiple dates with multiple guys. I've heard that dating is like trying to figure out your favorite ice cream flavor. You don't know what your favorite flavor is until you have tried a few other flavors. Courting occurs when your serious about someone and intend on being married. You usually don't court a person until you are ready for possibly getting married.

Dating really is all about getting to know someone and what they are like. Are they a fit for you? I personally think that the term dating is getting lost in today's' world, its getting more complicated than it needs to is a lovely example!

So, what is dating to you?


  1. Great post! I love discussing dating and the importance of intentional dating and courtship. Dating influences so many yet too many believe that their choices only influence themselves and their companion. What are some flaws in this type of thinking? What is the danger of the common trend of "just hanging out?" Why do you think that dating has changed so much over the years? I liked that you mentioned that dating is intended to get to know a lot of different types of people to decide what type of personalities you work well with. What are some personal discoveries you have made through dating?

  2. I think there are some major flaws in thinking that when dating your choices only affect yourself and your companion. In all reality it affects your future. It can affect your future family. I think a lot of people loose that perspective when they think just about themselves. When you hang out with someone that is exactly what it is. There is no "progression" that is made when you hang out with a person, it's almost like your stuck in that phase. I think dating has changed over the years because the "times" have changed over the years. The world is a different place now than it was in the times of Jane Austen or even 20 years ago. Through dating I have learned a lot about myself. I have learned about the person I want to be and the person I want my future spouse to be. Growing up in the LDS faith and in this world, I feel like as women we are taught to think that we are going to marry this tall, dark, handsome, perfect man. As I've grown and gone on dates, I've learned that I am not necessarily looking for that stereotype anymore. He may not be super tall or dark, but to me he will be handsome and the perfect person for me. What is perfect for me is not perfect for every other girl out there. That is one of the reasons I believe dating is so important.
