Saturday, November 23, 2013's a must have!

Communications has been one of my favorite things to study, that very well could be because that is what my clusters (minor) is in!

Get ready for some random communication/speech facts!
  • 93% (about) of communication is non-verbal.
  • You must hear something 3 times to remember it. 
  • When hearing a contradictive message we have a tendency to believe the non-verbal hints we receive.
  • 65% of what we learn about another person when communicating is by observing non-verbal body language.
  • 7% of communication is what you say (words), 38% is how you say it, and 55% is body movement.
So as you can see, communication with others is pretty important. Communication occurs all of the time. We cannot not communicate! Go ahead, try it! Communication requires an exchange of shared meanings. For example, a gesture or a hand sign can mean one thing in America but a totally different think in China. Communication also requires feedback in order to be certain of exchanged meaning. If you aren't sure you got the message, you should always double check!

Bottom line: communication is naturally apart of who we are. We can't help but communicate, we just have to be careful about how we do it!

1 comment:

  1. Cute video! Communication is such an interesting topic as I think so many underemphasize the importance of positive communication. What is the most interesting aspect of communication in your opinion? How can good communication be developed? Why do you think body language is such a key aspect of communication?
